OOTB, I am glad you folks came back. This is a large community here, and like any community we have all the same types of people you will have in any community, online or otherwise . . . .The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, we got'em all.
I was plugged into the collective by my parents when I was 5 yrs old in 1958, so I had no choice.
I was truly and finally free in 1997 when I burned every Borg-vomited or shat piece of paper I owned . . including that f**ked over NWT they are so proud of written by "ANONYMOUS" Scholars . . .ooooo wow BFD. Anonymous so they do not have to answer to anyone for their lack of scholastic integrity and downright dishonesty.
There was alot of that paper, it took a whole day of feeding and tending that fire in my back yard one Saturday that August. My neighbors asked what was up and when I told them, they actually clapped and rejoiced with me!! We had a couple brewskies and some good conversation over that fire. The next day an older gentleman from a bit down the road stopped by, he is sort of the local scap collector guy but he was also a pastor of a small Christian chrch in the area. He said he heard what I had done and that he was one of the Borg from the 1940s to the early 70s when he got out over the fever about the coming of 1975. He said my wife and I had been to his house in field service about 7 years before (I didn't remember it) and that ever since then he was praying weekly for us to see the cult for what it was and get free of it. Cool.
The neighborhood was littered with little burned scraps of Borg paper for weeks after that.
Anyway, enough about me. The majority of us here are here for you. I am here because when I feel the need to vent or whine or gloat or whatever, there are those here who know where I am coming from and can understand how I feel. We have all walked the same or similar path.
Welcome back!